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About us

      Shihezi Jinnonghuiye Trading Co., Ltd. was established in September 2021, with its address located at No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang . Shihezi Jinnonghuiye Trading Co., Ltd. specializes in high-quality cotton by-products such as Xinjiang cottonseed husks, mill shells, cottonseed, and cottonseed meal.

      Shihezi Jinnonghuiye Trading Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive company that focuses on the sales of cotton by-products and services, and is committed to creating a place of origin for direct sales with integrity.

      Since its establishment, our company has always adhered to the principles of people-oriented, integrity-based business, stable operation, and continuous growth, and has received praise and recognition from major planting and breeding customers nationwide.

      Up to now, our company has always been an outstanding player in this industry, and both manufacturers and our customers unanimously recognize our professionalism.


Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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