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Coral Monkey Head: 'Ice Queen' has' money 'scenery

    Entering the black fungus planting base of Maoershan Forest Farm of Shangzhi State owned Forest Farm Management Bureau in Heilongjiang Province, the white coral shaped Hericium erinaceus mushrooms in the greenhouse bloomed astonishingly. Tian Chenglong, the head of the Maolin mushroom industry at Maoershan Forest Farm, introduced that this is a newly tested variety of coral monkey head this year. It has a delicious taste and rich nutrition, and is known as the "Ice and Snow Queen of the Edible Fungi Industry". This new project is in collaboration with Harbin Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
This year, the forest farm only tested one greenhouse with around 3000 bags. Coral Monkey Head enters the shed in May and can produce mushrooms in 15-20 days. At present, one crop has been harvested and more than 1200 kilograms have been harvested. Calculated at a market price of 25 yuan/kilogram, the benefits are much higher than other fungi such as black fungus. At present, the trial planting of Coral Monkey Head is very successful, with a mushroom yield of 100%. We can pick another crop in late August.


Next, Maoershan Forest Farm will continue to work together with Harbin Academy of Agricultural Sciences to continuously improve the quality of coral monkey heads, enhance market recognition, and open up sales channels.
Maolin Mushroom Industry has its own mushroom packaging production workshop. Once the coral shaped monkey head mushroom is recognized by the market and growers, we can seize the market opportunity and become the first group of people who are brave enough to eat crabs by producing mushroom packaging. When it comes to the development prospects of the coral shaped monkey head mushroom industry, Tian Chenglong is full of confidence.



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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