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Xinjiang seed cotton prices remain stable, leading to low market consolidation

    The sales of seed cotton in northern Xinjiang have basically ended, with over 70% sold in southern Xinjiang. This week, the price of seed cotton is mainly stable. As of the end of the morning, the mainstream price of machine harvested seed cotton in Xinjiang is based on 7.20-7.60 yuan/kg, with some high prices in northern Xinjiang reaching 7.70 yuan/kg, while prices in southern Xinjiang are generally slightly lower than those in northern Xinjiang.

                                            Picture of Jinnong Huiye: Xinjiang Machine Harvested Cotton

    Some ginning factories in northern Xinjiang have completed their planned acquisition volume, but the pace of acquisition has gradually slowed down recently. The South Xinjiang Ginning Factory generally maintains the acquisition, but the overall acquisition is cautious and there is insufficient willingness to increase prices. In the short term, the cotton market will consolidate at the bottom, paying attention to the US cotton supply and demand report and reserve cotton bidding news.



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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