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Structure Township, Hezhang County, Guizhou: Busy Production of Edible Fungi

    Recently, the edible mushroom rod production workshop in Dazhai Village, Structure Township, Hezhang County, Guizhou Province began its annual edible mushroom production, with ingredients, bagging, sterilization... in an orderly manner and a bustling scene.
    According to Luo Jiandong, the person in charge of the edible mushroom base in Dazhai Village, an investment of 1 million yuan was made in early January this year to develop the edible mushroom industry in Dazhai Village. Currently, 30000 bags of mushroom sticks have been produced, and it is expected to produce 550000 bags of mushroom sticks throughout the year. The base has set up more than 10 types of work, including bacterial production rods, sterilization, inoculation, procurement, and transportation, and the villagers have work to do throughout the year.


    It is reported that in January 2024, Dazhai Village integrated 66 greenhouses in the village through investment promotion, covering an area of 79.8 acres to develop the edible mushroom industry.
    In recent years, through the exchange of resources for investment and relying on resource endowments, Structural Township has fully utilized over 700 acres of greenhouse land resources, introduced four edible mushroom production enterprises, vigorously developed the edible mushroom industry in multiple villages, further expanded employment channels, and promoted people's income growth. In 2023, Structural Township produced 5 million sticks of edible mushrooms, generating income of over 70 million yuan and increasing per capita income by more than 15000 yuan. In 2024, we plan to produce over 8 million sticks of edible mushrooms and strive to break through the 100 million yuan mark in revenue generation.



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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