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Do you dare to think that a cottonseed contains 93 national patents

      Chenguang Biotechnology is focusing on technological innovation and deepening the plant extraction industry
How many components does a cottonseed contain? Which of these ingredients have development value? Can cottonseed be further processed besides oil extraction These rarely mentioned issues have specific answers at Chenguang Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chenguang Biotechnology).
      On January 5th, the reporter walked into the morning light biological product exhibition hall in Quzhou County, and the cotton seed protein series products on the counter were particularly eye-catching. The deputy general manager of the group, Lian Yunhe, picked up a glass bottle from the booth and pointed to the cottonseed inside, saying, "Can you think of it? This small cottonseed contains 259 substances!"
      Cotton seeds are the seeds formed after the flowering of cotton. The exterior of cottonseed is a hard brown seed shell, with kernel inside, which is the main part of cottonseed. "Cotton seeds are treasures all over the body." According to Lian Yunhe, after mechanical pressing or solvent extraction of the seeds, cottonseed meal and cotton oil can be obtained; Cottonseed meal has a protein content second only to soybean meal and higher than rapeseed meal, making it an ideal feed ingredient; Cotton seed oil can be used for cooking and consumption, as well as industrial production as a raw material.
      Cottonseed protein is one of the main products of Chenguang Biotechnology, with a processing scale ranking among the top in the country. "Extracting protein and oil from cottonseed is something people have been doing all along. No matter how well you do, it's nothing more than lower cost and higher quality." Lian Yunhe said. Morning Light Biology, which has been deeply cultivating in the field of plant extraction for many years, has begun to propose research directions for cottonseed raw materials to see what substances are still contained in cottonseed and what are suitable for development.
      This work is from 0 to 1. Almost no plant extraction company has done ingredient analysis on raw materials, or even thought of doing so.
      However, the dawn creatures did not stop there. On the basis of having the highest production capacity of dephenol cotton protein in the country, the group continues to break through the path of unlimited utilization of plants with continuously innovative technology and concepts.
      Starting from 2015, Chenguang Biotechnology has hired two overseas returnee PhDs to form a team to carry out research and development of product composition analysis projects. "Researchers overcame various difficulties and combined production products to study multiple extraction and detection methods, ultimately identifying 259 substances in cottonseed," said Lian Yunhe.
      And this research achievement not only clarifies for the first time the material composition and types of products in each link of cottonseed production process, but also lays a solid foundation for the research and development of new products by Sunlight Biotechnology.
      The cotton lint stripped from cottonseed is an important raw material for industries such as national defense, textiles, chemical fibers, and papermaking; Cotton seed husks can be used as raw materials for growing edible mushrooms and ruminant animal feed, and are the preferred raw material for edible mushroom growers; Refined cottonseed oil effectively removes harmful substances such as gossypol in cottonseed oil, which is beneficial to health; Dephenolated cottonseed protein has become an important high-end protein raw material for feed, widely used in livestock, poultry, and aquatic feed; Cotton seed oligosaccharide products extracted from wastewater can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine; Even the toxic and harmful substance gossypol can be used as a raw material for cancer drugs or for grassland rodent control
      It's hard to imagine that this small cottonseed contains 93 national patented technologies.
      The "Key Technology Innovation and Industrialization of Comprehensive Utilization of Cottonseed" project of Chenguang Biotechnology has overcome key problems such as unstable oil and acid value in cottonseed comprehensive processing, achieved efficient utilization of protein resources, improved the extraction rate of cottonseed oil and cottonseed protein, and increased the comprehensive utilization rate of cottonseed resources to over 94%. This project has won the first prize of Hebei Province Science and Technology Progress Award and the first prize of China Light Industry Federation Technology Progress Award; The group utilizes independently developed low concentration mixed oil refining technology and vegetable oil and stearin extraction technology to achieve a protein content of over 65% in the refined cottonseed protein powder produced, which is higher than the industry average level.
      Relying on technological innovation, Chenguang Biotechnology integrates the production and processing of low-temperature dephenolized protein, edible cottonseed oil, and extraction of cottonseed oligosaccharides and gossypol, which not only elongates the industrial chain of cotton deep processing, but also makes cottonseed, a raw material with little production value, the largest raw material for dephenolated whole lipoprotein in China, greatly solving the problem of protein demand in the Chinese market.
      It is worth mentioning that Chenguang Biotechnology is also the main drafting unit of the national standard "Cottonseed Oil" (GB/T1537-2019), industry standard "Cottonseed Shell" (GH/T1262-2019), and industry standard "Rapid Determination of Cottonseed Quality Near Infrared Method" (NY/T3940-2021).
Through its continuous pursuit of technological innovation, Morning Light Biotechnology has achieved diversified breakthroughs and leadership in the field of natural plant extraction.



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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