Language: Chinese line English


National Cotton and Yarn Trading Center Established in Xinjiang

    On December 18th, the national cotton yarn trading center, jointly established by the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, was unveiled and established at the Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center. Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, First Secretary of the Corps Party Committee, and First Political Commissar, attended the unveiling ceremony and unveiled the plaque for the trading center. Han Liping, Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Council of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, and Elken Tuniyazi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, delivered speeches and unveiled the plaque.


    Li Yifei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and Political Commissar of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Fang Xinghai, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and Hou Shunli, Deputy Director of the Council of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and Secretary of the Party Committee of China Supply and Marketing Group Co., Ltd., attended the ceremony and participated in the unveiling of the plaque. Zhang Zhu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Autonomous Region, attended the ceremony.
    Xinjiang is the most important cotton production base and high-quality cotton yarn production base in China. The cotton planting area, yield per unit, total production, and commodity allocation in Xinjiang have ranked first in the country for 29 consecutive years, and the spinning scale accounts for nearly 20% of the country. The establishment of a national cotton yarn trading center is another major measure taken by the country to promote the high-quality development of Xinjiang's cotton industry after implementing the cotton target price reform policy and developing the textile and clothing industry to promote employment.
    After the establishment of the trading center, we will actively explore the construction of a traceability system from cotton planting to clothing production, establish a quality and brand certification system for cotton yarn, connect the production, processing, circulation, consumption and other links of cotton yarn, provide full industry chain and one-stop services such as trading, warehousing, logistics, finance, etc. for upstream and downstream customers in the industry, and help Xinjiang accelerate the construction of cotton and textile clothing industry clusters. The center will integrate industry associations and backbone circulation production enterprise spot trading resources, strengthen big data platform support, establish a domestic cotton and cotton yarn spot price index, effectively guide production and sales linkage and supply-demand balance, and fully leverage the role of price discovery, market stability, and convenient circulation.
     World cotton looks at China, Chinese cotton looks at Xinjiang. Since the national launch of the cotton target price reform pilot in 2014, Xinjiang has been focusing on the development of the cotton industry, striving to improve quality, optimize structure, and strengthen supervision. The advantageous position of cotton has been further consolidated, effectively ensuring the safety of China's cotton industry. In recent years, the Supply and Marketing Cooperative Society has strengthened its work coordination, organized and implemented the "Quality Boosting Cotton" upgrade action, guided cotton enterprises throughout the system to accelerate their layout in Xinjiang, actively participated in the implementation of Xinjiang cotton target price reform policies, and focused on building a comprehensive cotton supply chain service platform. It has played an important role in serving macroeconomic regulation, protecting the interests of cotton farmers, and stabilizing market expectations. We hope that the cadres and employees of the trading center can fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, focus on the development needs of Xinjiang's cotton industry, continuously explore innovative business models, and accelerate the construction of the trading center into a service platform with significant influence and driving force on Xinjiang and even the national cotton and textile clothing industry.
    In his speech, Erken Tuniyazi pointed out that the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region has always been based on the needs of the country and the capabilities of Xinjiang, closely focusing on Xinjiang's strategic positioning in the overall national situation, accelerating the construction of cotton and textile clothing industry clusters, promoting the comprehensive formation of the cotton industry chain pattern, and effectively ensuring the security of China's cotton supply and the stability of the textile and clothing industry chain supply chain. The establishment of a national cotton and yarn trading center will further promote Xinjiang to leverage its advantages in resources, location, and other aspects, promote the high-quality development of the cotton and yarn industry, help enhance the international competitiveness and discourse power of the domestic cotton and yarn industry, and expand the depth and breadth of China's cotton and yarn international cooperation.  Xinjiang will effectively create a good legal, market, and government environment, provide high-quality and efficient services for various business entities, and jointly build a modern cotton industry system with Xinjiang characteristics, making Xinjiang cotton a shining business card for high-quality development.
    Chen Weijun presided over the unveiling ceremony. Yusufujiang Maimaiti, Hadan Kabin, Sun Hongmei, Xue Bin, Wang Gang, Maierdan Mugaiti, and Liu Xinjian attended.
    Comrades from relevant national departments, leaders of domestic cotton and textile industry organizations, leaders of central and local financial institutions, and leaders of relevant departments, units, and enterprises of autonomous regions and corps participated in the event.



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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