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Cotton processing enterprises press the "fast forward" button to fully engage in production

    With the comprehensive completion of cotton harvesting work, various cotton processing enterprises in Awati County, Xinjiang are rushing to meet their annual targets as soon as possible, racing to speed up production and striving to compete for the market.


    The picture shows the loader unloading cotton, Maiwulan River, photographed by Mo Ming
    On December 14th, at the Ginning Plant of Xinya Hongwei Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. in Awati County, piles of snow-white "cotton mountains" came into view, and vehicles loaded with cotton orderly queued up for sale under the guidance of staff. The machines in the production workshop are roaring, and the workers are working safely and orderly on the production line.
    Hu Feng, the person in charge of cotton procurement at Newya Hongwei Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. in Awati County, said, "Our current focus has shifted from procurement to processing and sales. Currently, 32000 tons of seed cotton have been processed and produced, and the remaining 2000 tons are expected to be processed by the end of December this year. We will complete the processing and production tasks with quality and quantity while ensuring safety, and provide customers with high-quality Xinjiang cotton."
    Avati County Xinya Hongwei Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. has two cotton processing and production lines, and has purchased over 34000 tons of cotton throughout the year, processing and producing around 14000 tons of lint. With the orderly processing of cotton in the factory, more than 100 people have been attracted to achieve stable employment, allowing local residents to increase their income from their doorstep.
    Tuxunjiang Maimaiti, a villager from Huanggong Village, Duolang Township, Awati County, said, "I have been working here for over 4 months now, with a monthly salary of 4500 yuan. If there is an opportunity next year, I will continue to work here to improve my economic income."
    It is understood that the total cotton planting area in Awati County this year is 1.255 million mu. In order to fully carry out the procurement and processing of new cotton, various industry departments in Awati County are based on their regulatory service functions and strictly control the safety and quality of cotton procurement, processing, storage and other links. As of now, we have acquired approximately 310000 tons of seed cotton and processed approximately 73000 tons of lint.
    Wang Tianyong, a cadre of the Grain and Cotton Office of the Development and Reform Commission of Awati County, said, "Next, while ensuring the quality and safety of cotton production, we will continuously accelerate the production speed of each factory, make every effort to catch up with production, ensure efficient and orderly cotton production, and promote the high-quality development of the cotton industry in Awati County."



Contact: Manager Guo

Phone: 18199669709 Manager Guo

Tel: 17509939110 Manager Liu


Add: No. 43 Shanghai Road, Beiquan Town, Urban Area, Shihezi City, Xinjiang

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